Wednesday, April 2, 2008

The Great Depression

The great depression was a period of time were the dramatic and huge crash of the stock market on black thursday october 24,1929. 16 million were bankrupt,poor,and hungry due to this for many years.

Monday, March 24, 2008


The Lusitania played a major part in the war when it wwas struck by a German Torpedo on may 1st,1915 despite a public warning from germany that any ship that was set sail was going to be attacked but america took notice from the threat and set sail to liverpool


U.S. Soilders fightin in WW1

WW1 Propaganda posters 2

WW1 Propaganda posters 1

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

why U.S.A. joined World War 1

The United States finally got involved in the war was because they felt that their postion as a neutral country had been violated because a German U-boat had sunk the Lusitania, an American passenger ship.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Friday, January 18, 2008

Hello im am writing from mr.lowes class on my soical studies blog. i just want 2 introduce myself again

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Dances with wolves Movie review

In the movie Dances with Wolves Kevin Costner plays John Dunbar, a Union solider that wants to see the western frontier before it's gone. Another main is Mary McDonnell she played stands with a fist a Indian that was taken and raised by the Sioux Indians.The time of the movie is the 1800's. The setting is the Western Frontier. The genre of the movie is western.The movie is based on a true story. The facts were from the real john Dunbar's journal entries.
In the movie a union solider named john Dunbar wants to see the western frontier before it is gone for ever and he sets off with a few friends to go see it. When finally arriving at the post they are attacked by Indians and all but Dunbar is left alive.While walking around he comes upon a female Sioux that was cutting herself. Upon seeing the Dunbar she faints of fear. Dunbar being the gentlemen he is decide not to kill her but return her to the tribe even though he could get killed. After returning the girl he begins to have relations with the sioux and eventually becoming a indians himself giving the name Dances with wolves.