Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Lincoln's last Diary entry

Journal Entry,April 14 1865

I awoke with a horrible feeling like something was going to happen today but kwowing all that's happening now it's probably the stress of having so much on my plate right now.I got out of my bed and walked to my mirror and I saw a tired old,restless man instead of the president of the united states.I am plauged with the nightmares of my soilders dying to protect there countries.sometimes I think of the wife's who lost there husbands who have to raise there two, three kids by themselves and then I think of the little kid's who have to grow up without the wisdom that fathers give to the children so they grow up right and not become thief's on the street looking for money for who know's what.On top of all of this I must help the north recover from the devistation of the war.The proccess of recoving from the war will take a toll on everyone living in the north and me as well.Even though I have to deal with these problems me and my wife are going to enjoy a play at the Ford theatre so I can finally rest a little.